A New Index for Evaluating Thermal Sensation Based on the Principles of Non- Fourier Heat Transfer

Document Type : Research Article


1 University of Birjand

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birjand


In recent years, the modeling of human thermal sensation based on thermoreceptors response has attracted the attention of many researchers. However, biological tissues do not usually follow the principles of Fourier heat transfer. So, this study tries to develop a new predictive index for a thermal comfort model based on cutaneous thermoreceptors obtained by using non-Fourier heat transfer in biological tissues. The mentioned index is in conformity with the ASHRAE standard thermal sensation scale. The model used in this study considers the concept of non-Fourier heat transfer to describe heat transfer in biological tissues. Since biological tissues consist of complicated and nonhomogeneous structures, it is important to describe the process of heat transfer in these tissues by non-Fourier heat transfer equation. The new index has been verified by extensive comparisons with the experimental and analytical results under steady-state and transient conditions where a good agreement was found. Results show that the new index can predict the thermal sensation with mean absolute errors of 0.31 and 0.49 under steady-state and transient conditions, respectively. Since the new index is based on the concepts of non-Fourier heat transfer, it can provide an accurate prediction of thermal sensation in terms of sudden change in temperature.


Main Subjects

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