Nonlinear Vibration and Stability Analysis of Thermally Postbuckled Double-Layered Graphene Sheet

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yasouj University

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University


In the present research, the vibration behavior is presented for a thermally postbuckled double layered graphene sheet. For this purpose, the graphene sheet is modeled as a non-classical orthotropic plate. The formulations are based on the Kirchhoff’s plate theory, and the von Karman-type nonlinearity is considered in the strain-displacement relations. Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory is employed to incorporate the size effects. The thermal effects, van der Waals forces between layers and chirality are also included and the material properties are assumed to be temperature-dependent. A semi analytical solution is obtained using multiple time scales method. The effects of variation of the small scale parameter to the natural frequencies, deflections and response curve of double layered graphene sheet are analyzed and the numerical results are obtained from the nonlocal plate model. Numerical results are compared with those of similar researches. Effects of various parameters on the postbuckled vibration of graphene sheet in thermal environments such as the scale parameter, length, and thermal load are presented. The stability of vibration modes around a buckled configuration is investigated. The results show that the scale parameter and thermal changes have very important roles on the nonlinear vibrational behavior of the nano scale buckled structures.


Main Subjects

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