Modeling and parametric analysis of two-phase fluid stability in boiling process in a thermal channel

Document Type : Research Article


1 associate prof./ Mechanical faculty/K.N.Toosi university of technology

2 K.N.Toosi University of technology



In this paper, analysis of two-phase flow instability in a boiling process is investigated and a simple and comprehensive model is modified to express pressure drop. The defined model and nondimensional numbers give a comprehensive sight of different parameters' effect on the oscillations. By using Lyapunov stability analysis, conditions in which instability occurs are identified. The effect of parameters on the diagram of pressure drop versus mass flow rate are investigated and the existence of extremum is discussed. The oscillation form varies according to the value of the basic oscillation damping parameter from an elliptical orbit to a quadrilateral, corresponding to the pressure drop curve. The characteristics of their oscillation circuit, amplitude, and frequency were discussed analytically in terms of problem quantities. In addition, by nonlinear analysis, variation of the oscillation period is examined and its relation to the parameter of systems is investigated. In high operating pressure, the oscillation period is a function of fluid density and geometry of the thermal channel. Also for high compressible volumes, this characteristic increases with decreasing input mass flow rate in an unstable condition.


Main Subjects

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