Tracking control of quadrotors in the presence of obstacles based on potential field method

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, by introducing a robust hybrid controller using an obstacle avoidance unit based on potential functions, the trajectory tracking control of quadrotors in the presence of obstacles is discussed. Quadrotors are underactuated systems and the design of a robust tracking controller has become one of the most challenging topics in recent researches. First, dynamic modeling of a quadrotor is considered using the Newton-Euler method by considering the nonlinear terms. In the following, the system state space is represented. Then, a control method based on linear control algorithms is designed to control the outer loop and for the inner loop of the controller, the backstepping method is presented. The combination of the control methods is designed to obtain the best performance of the system in terms of convergence to the reference path, minimum steady-state errors, and transient response specifications of the system. In the following, an obstacle avoidance unit based on potential functions is designed to prevent the collision of the quadrotor with obstacles by creating a repulsive force between the system and the obstacles. Finally, trajectory tracking case studies are considered for a quadrotor in the presence of obstacles. Obtained results show the robust performance of the controller in tracking the trajectories and avoiding obstacles.


Main Subjects

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