Investigation of the response of a multi-zone simulation code equipped with blow-by sub-model in a dual fuel spark-ignition engine

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mohaghegh


In the present study, a single-cylinder research engine was utilized to capture experimental data at 9 compression ratio and 1800 rpm engine speed for dual fuel mixtures of 100%, 90%, 75% and 60% gasoline and the rest natural gas in skip-fire mode. Then, a gasoline- natural gas multi-zone thermodynamic entrainment simulation-code equipped with blow-by sub-model was developed. Two 200-cycle sets of free residual motoring and firing cycles were separated from the experimental data to check the response of the code. In motoring-case, the ensemble-average P-θ of the motoring set was compared with that of the code and the blow-by sub-model was verified. Next, in the firing-case, the results obtained from the code were compared with the ensemble-average P-θ of the firing set in each fuel combination and the code was validated. In the firing-case, the leakage to crevices was estimated to be considerably more than that of the motoring-case. In the firing mode of the code, the deviation of the obtained results of the code without blow-by option from the experimental results was more serious as compared to those of the code with blow-by, emphasizing the importance of the blow-by sub-model in the code.


Main Subjects

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