Rectangular liquid jets injected into gaseous crossflow were experimentally investigated. In this study, water was used as the working fluid. Four rectangular injectors with aspect ratios of 1, 2, 3 and 4 were manufactured to study the physics of jet flow. The backlight shadowgraphy technique along with high-speed photography was employed to capture the instantaneous physics of the liquid jet flow. Based on the flow visualizations, different breakup regimes including column breakup, arcade breakup, bag and multiple breakup were identified. Trajectory and width of the liquid jets were measured using an in-house image processing program. Effects of momentum ratio, aspect ratio and gas velocity on trajectory and width were investigated. The results showed that the momentum ratio was most effective on the jet trajectory while aspect ratio was of least importance. Also, a mathematical model was suggested to estimate the trajectory of liquid jets. In this model, jet Weber number, gas Weber number and aspect ratio were introduced as the variables. Furthermore, it was revealed that aspect ratio directly influenced the width of liquid jets.
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Shokri, R. , Tadjfar, M. and Jaberi, A. (2021). Rectangular liquid jets injected transversely into subsonic crossflow. Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 53(Issue 5 (Special Issue)), 3117-3134. doi: 10.22060/mej.2020.17526.6612
Shokri, R. , , Tadjfar, M. , and Jaberi, A. . "Rectangular liquid jets injected transversely into subsonic crossflow", Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 53, Issue 5 (Special Issue), 2021, 3117-3134. doi: 10.22060/mej.2020.17526.6612
Shokri, R., Tadjfar, M., Jaberi, A. (2021). 'Rectangular liquid jets injected transversely into subsonic crossflow', Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 53(Issue 5 (Special Issue)), pp. 3117-3134. doi: 10.22060/mej.2020.17526.6612
R. Shokri , M. Tadjfar and A. Jaberi, "Rectangular liquid jets injected transversely into subsonic crossflow," Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 53 Issue 5 (Special Issue) (2021): 3117-3134, doi: 10.22060/mej.2020.17526.6612
Shokri, R., Tadjfar, M., Jaberi, A. Rectangular liquid jets injected transversely into subsonic crossflow. Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021; 53(Issue 5 (Special Issue)): 3117-3134. doi: 10.22060/mej.2020.17526.6612