In this paper, the hydrodynamic behavior and heat transfer of a nanofluid turbulent flow in an exchanger equipped with perforated conical rings are simulated numerically. Water-based fluid and Al2O3 nanoparticles with a weight percentage of zero to 5% are considered as nanoparticles that increase heat transfer. The governing equations are solved using the computational fluid dynamics method with the help of ANSYS-Fluent software in the range of Reynolds 12000-2000. After validation of the numerical solution method with the available experimental results, the effect of geometric parameters and flow characteristics such as Reynolds number, number of rings used, number of holes used and volume fraction of nanoparticles on the heat transfer characteristics of the heat exchanger have been studied. The results show that the use of perforated conical rings has a significant effect on improving heat transfer in heat exchangers and this method can be used in practical applications. The results show that with increasing the number of conical rings, decreasing the number of holes, and increasing the weight fraction of nanoparticles, the Nusselt number and the coefficient of friction increase. Based on the results, it can be seen that the proposed loop can increase the Nusselt number by 5.3 times compared to the tube without the loop. In addition, Al2O3 nanoparticles have a favorable effect on increasing heat transfer and with increasing the volume fraction of Al2O3 nanoparticles from zero to 5%, Nusselt number per m = 1 and n = 3 about 92% increase in Nusselt number has been observed.
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M. Mohammadi and S. M. pesteei, "Numerical Study and Sensitivity Analysis in Tubular Heat Exchangers with Perforated Conical Rings Carrying Water-Aluminum Oxide Nanofluid," Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 54 1 (2022): 189-210, doi: 10.22060/mej.2021.19808.7120
Mohammadi, M., pesteei, S. M. Numerical Study and Sensitivity Analysis in Tubular Heat Exchangers with Perforated Conical Rings Carrying Water-Aluminum Oxide Nanofluid. Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022; 54(1): 189-210. doi: 10.22060/mej.2021.19808.7120