Experimental Extraction of Young's Modulus of MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Using Spherical Contact Models

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Engineering, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Breast cancer is one of the most important cancers in the field of medicine due to its high prevalence. Understanding the mechanical properties of cellular tissue, including Young's modulus, and comparing the differences created after the onset of the disease, lead to the development of new methods in recognizing, controlling, and treating the disease. Nanomanipulation is one of the processes used in the field of nanotechnology, which explores the properties of cellular tissues. An atomic force microscope is a tool used during this process that examines the properties of cellular tissue by measuring the movement of the cantilevers and the changes due to displacement and force. In this study, nanomanipulation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells was performed experimentally using an atomic force microscope with the aim of finding the Young modulus of cell tissue. After extracting the experimental results, modeling and calculating the critical force and time by considering different contact models including the Hertz contact model, PT, and COS, has been done. According to the comparison of experimental and simulation results, Young's modulus of MCF-7 breast cancer cells was obtained in the range of 800 Pa. Also, the COS contact model was more in line with the experimental results.


Main Subjects

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