Petrochemical industry effluents are one of the most hazardous effluents available, which contain toxic and biodegradable compounds, and their release into nature carries serious environmental risks. In this way, it is necessary to purify them. In this research, the Fenton method was used as one of the efficient advanced oxidation methods for Abadan petrochemical wastewater treatment. The effect of three parameters of , concentration and ratio, and their interference on the dye removal efficiency of this effluent was performed using the design method of the Box-Bonken statistical test with the help of Design Expert software. In order to achieve the maximum amount of dye removal as an indicator of pollution, the optimal conditions were Selected by the software as , the amount of oxidizing , and the molar ratio . In these conditions, the highest rate of dye removal was predicted to be 79.5%, which in real conditions showed a yield of 72.5%, which is acceptable due to laboratory error (). The electro-Fenton method was also used to increase the removal efficiency. In the electro-Fenton method, under optimal conditions of Fenton process ( and ) and current density of , the maximum dye removal efficiency of 100% was obtained.
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Rajabzadeh Nobakht, A. , Toghiani, J. and Fallah, N. (2022). Investigation of Effective Parameters on Dye Removal from Petrochemical Industry Effluents by Fenton and Electro-Fenton Methods. Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 54(5), 947-960. doi: 10.22060/mej.2022.20585.7263
Rajabzadeh Nobakht, A. , , Toghiani, J. , and Fallah, N. . "Investigation of Effective Parameters on Dye Removal from Petrochemical Industry Effluents by Fenton and Electro-Fenton Methods", Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 54, 5, 2022, 947-960. doi: 10.22060/mej.2022.20585.7263
Rajabzadeh Nobakht, A., Toghiani, J., Fallah, N. (2022). 'Investigation of Effective Parameters on Dye Removal from Petrochemical Industry Effluents by Fenton and Electro-Fenton Methods', Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 54(5), pp. 947-960. doi: 10.22060/mej.2022.20585.7263
A. Rajabzadeh Nobakht , J. Toghiani and N. Fallah, "Investigation of Effective Parameters on Dye Removal from Petrochemical Industry Effluents by Fenton and Electro-Fenton Methods," Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 54 5 (2022): 947-960, doi: 10.22060/mej.2022.20585.7263
Rajabzadeh Nobakht, A., Toghiani, J., Fallah, N. Investigation of Effective Parameters on Dye Removal from Petrochemical Industry Effluents by Fenton and Electro-Fenton Methods. Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022; 54(5): 947-960. doi: 10.22060/mej.2022.20585.7263