Investigation of Influence of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on Formability of Aluminum Tailor Welded Blanks

Document Type : Research Article



Aluminum tailor welded blanks consist of two or more aluminum sheet which welded together by one of the welding processes. Aluminum TWBs are used in different industries like automotive industry because they have high ratio of strength to weight. There are many different welding methods for aluminum welding, but melting methods cause to form brittle phases and decrease weld strength. Therefore, friction stir welding is a replacement method. Friction stir welding’s parameters have high influence on the weld quality. In the present study, some of the main parameters of friction stir welding are investigated. These parameters are type of welding tool, rotation velocity of welding tool and traveling speed of tool. Whereas tailor welded blanks are used in the out of plane forming processes, Erichsen formability test is used for investigation of weld quality. Therefore, a design of experiment is done using Tauguchi method and some aluminum tailor welded blank samples are welded. Aluminum 6061 and 5182 are base metal of tailor welded blank. Results of study show that type of welding tool has a much influence on the weld quality. Weld quality and formability increase by increasing of tool’s rotational velocity.


Main Subjects

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