Numerical study of bubble growth and collapse ‎dynamics, near the rigid wall

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


A detailed study of the physics of the cavitation phenomenon and the energy released from it is necessary ‎because of its use in cases such as cleaning surfaces, delivering medicine to various organs of the body, treating ‎cancer, and burning excess fat.‎‏ ‏The purpose of this research is to investigate the dynamics of bubble growth and ‎collapse near the solid wall.‎‏ ‏In this research, to simulate the bubble collapse and also to calculate the pressure, ‎temperature, and density changes, The obtained results show that the dimensionless gamma number has ‎the greatest effect on the growth and collapse of the bubble near the wall. In the studied range of the dimensionless ‎gamma number, with a 60% increase in this number, the maximum shear stress on the wall decreases by 37%, and ‎the maximum absolute temperature inside the bubble increases by 12%. Also, with the increase of the ‎dimensionless number of gamma, the area affected by the impact of the jet due to the bubble collapse increases. In ‎addition, it can be shown that the initial pressure parameter of the bubble has the greatest effect on the maximum ‎temperature inside the bubble. In the range of the initial pressure inside the bubble considered in the current ‎research, with a 50% increase in the initial pressure of the bubble, the maximum temperature of the bubble ‎decreases by 6%;


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