Elastostatic Modeling and Optimal Design of Rhombic Compliant Mechanism

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Compliant mechanisms are designed and used for precise positioning and amplification of piezoelectric actuators Due to their integrated structure. Modelling the kinematic behaviour of these mechanisms has challenges due to their continuous structure and elastic deformation. This article presents a structural matrix-based method called the elastostatic method for static modelling of compliant mechanisms. The innovation of elastostatic modelling reduces calculations by approximating rotation and small displacement. The main goal of this research is to design and optimize the rhombus flexible mechanism using elastostatic modelling. This mechanism is optimized in such a way that, in addition to positioning, it has high magnification and low input stiffness. The rhombus mechanism has an integrated and simple structure and is used for micron positioning and piezoelectric actuator amplification. In this research, the rhombus mechanism has been modeled using the elastostatic method, and its dimensions have been optimized according to the parameters of the mechanism; For this purpose, it is necessary to check the modeling error. The modelling error is compared with simulation in finite element software and experimental results. The results show that the modelling used to design the rhombus mechanism has a 1.5% error compared to experimental results.


Main Subjects

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