Document Type : Research Article



This study deals with simulation of low-cyclefatigue (LCF), followed by evaluation of fatigue parameters, which would be suitable for estimating fatigue livesunder uniaxial loading. The cyclic elastic–plastic stress–strain responses were analyzed using the incrementalplasticity procedures. Finite-element (FE) simulation inelastic–plastic regime was carried out in FE packageABAQUS. Emphasis has been laid on calibration of A356Aluminum Alloy for LCF behavior. For experimental verifications, a series of low-cycle fatigue tests were conductedunder strain-controlled, fully reversed condition in MTS 810 with MTS Flex Test GTcontroller at 120 and 280 °Ctemperature. The comparisons between numerical simulations and experimental observations reveal the matching tobe satisfactory in engineering sense. Based on the cyclicelastic–plastic stress–strain response, both from experiments and simulation, loop areas, computed for variousstrain amplitude, have been identified as fatigue damageparameter.The surface microstructure of the samples were examined and images showing the microstructure of certain dendritic structure with secondary dendrite arms (SDAS) they are approximately 25 micrometers. The results of isothermal experiments at temperatures 280 and 120 ° C and the fixed cycle can be seen that the alloy hardening behavior of those cycles of temperature 120 °C and shows the cyclic softening behavior in 280 °Ctemperature.


Main Subjects

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