Investigating the effect of creating a vertical groove on the surface of a semi-submerged propeller blades

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 B.Sc. Student in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Technical Engineering, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran

3 Professor, Faculty of Technical Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


The semi-submerged propeller is a type of marine propeller that is used in high-speed vessels. This propeller has attracted designer's attention; because it resists the destructive phenomenon of cavitation. Also Semi-submerged propellers have suitable thrust and torque stability at high speeds and offer high maneuverability. Therefore, further investigation around it is important. The current research aims to examine the effect of creating a vertical groove on the surface of the blades of a semi-submerged propeller, an idea inspired by the grooved or corrugated surface on the bottom of some high-speed vessels. The propeller examined in this study is the semi-submerged propeller 841-B known as Olofsson. The 3D domain meshing and numerical simulation have been done in the Star CCM software. The specific condition considered in this numerical simulation is a submergence depth ratio of 33%, an advance coefficient of 0.8, a cavitation number of 2.3, a Froude number of 6, and a shaft angle of zero degrees (horizontal position). The results showed that the efficiency of the grooved propeller is 44.5%, which is less than the efficiency of the ungrooved propeller. In the end, it can be said that the created groove has an adverse effect on the efficiency and performance of the propeller and it is not recommended to use it in the working conditions of the investigated propeller.


Main Subjects

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