Analysis of Intragranular and Intergranular Microcracks in DP Steels Using the Microstructural Images and Peridynamics Method

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of New Technologies & Aerospace Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University

2 424 Hafez Ave. Professor


One of the most important parameters in the micromechanical study of material behavior is the possibility of investigating microcracks and their initiation and propagation patterns in different parts of the materials. In the present work, an attempt has been made to examine the failure of dual-phase (DP) steels under uniaxial tensile quasi-static loading using the peridynamics method. The SEM images prepared from the samples show that the grain boundary voids and their growth on a micro scale can be considered the place of damage accumulation. According to the numerical analysis, the initiation and propagation mechanism of inter-grain and intra-grain microcracks in the microstructure of DP steel has been studied using the non-local peridynamics method. Analyzing this problem using the peridynamics method, considering the irregular geometry, the non-locality, reformulating the continuum mechanics in the form of integrodifferential equations, and studying progressive failure is one of the goals of this work, which have been carried out based on representative volume elements (RVE) obtained from the real microstructure. Also, due to the possibility of predicting the damage initiation and the propagation path in different parts of the material simultaneously without considering the default paths, inter-grain and intra-grain microcracks have been simulated using the peridynamics model.


Main Subjects

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