Developing a Coupled Solver for Solving Free Surface Flows with Interface Tracking Algorithm using foam-extend

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran

2 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



The present paper introduces the implementation of a concurrent solver for pressure and velocity to solve free surface flows within the foam-extend framework. Integrating pressure and velocity fields with interface tracking algorithm has led to the development of a solver equivalent to the base foam-extend solver, named interTrackFoam. The current algorithm is entirely implemented using the structures, classes, and functions available in the foam-extend framework, and all the capabilities of this framework remain usable. Additionally, this solver utilizes libraries related to block matrices in foam-extend along with parallel solving capabilities. The block matrix system serves as the foundation for the concurrent solver. Notably, reducing the number of inner loops and performing one-step pressure and velocity solving are among the primary differences from the recognized default solver. Essentially, this solver represents the initial step towards a concurrent solver for velocity, pressure, temperature, and constituents with heat and mass transfer capabilities. The solver's capability is demonstrated through solving various experimental cases, including three-dimensional reservoirs, free surface flow around airfoils, and flow over sloping surfaces. With the concurrent solving capability of pressure and velocity, this solver holds significant potential in addressing complex physics and geometries. The ability for simultaneous solving enables reducing iterations or considering relatively higher time steps for flow computation.


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