Developing a Coupled Free-Surface Flow Solver using Interface Tracking Algorithm in foam-extend

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran

2 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In the present study, the implementation of a coupled implicit solver is presented for solving the free-surface flows. The implementation of the coupled pressure and velocity along with the default interface tracking algorithm has led to the creation of a solver equivalent to the basic foam-extend solver, which is called interTrackFoam. All of the features of the foam-extend platform can still be used i.e. mesh motion and parallel processing. Also, the libraries related to the block matrices available in foam-extend are used in the developed solver. The block matrix system is utilized as the basis of the coupled solver. The single-step solution of pressure and velocity is known as one of the main differences with the default solver. The ability of the developed solver to solve various test cases including a three-dimensional tank, solving the free-surface flow around an airfoil, and the flow passing over the ramp is demonstrated. The simultaneous solution capability has provided the possibility of reducing the number of iterations or considering a relatively higher time step related to solving the flow field. This aforementioned solver is the first step towards the velocity, pressure, temperature, and species-coupled solver with heat and mass transfer capability.


Main Subjects

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