Free Vibration analysis of a rotating cylindrical shell made of FG-GPLR porous core and MEE face with uncertain parameters in thermal environment

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Mechanic, central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch

3 Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch


In this study, free vibration analysis of a rotating composite double-layer cylindrical shell has been carried out using first-order shear deformation theory. The shell is made of a thin magneto-electroelastic (MEE) top layer bonded to the functionally graded graphene platelet reinforced (FG-GPLR) porous layer and is subjected to the thermal environment. The two ends of the shell can be considered as pinned boundary conditions due to the presence of bearings that prevent transverse movement. At first, natural frequencies of the forward and backward modes for the rotating composite shell were obtained and verified by the literature results. Then the effect of rotational speed, mode numbers, temperature change, porosity and GPLs mass fraction on the frequencies were investigated. This study then seeks to investigate the effect of uncertainties in the MEE layer properties on the free vibration of a rotating composite shell exposed to electric and magnetic potentials. In this case, the uncertainties in the elastic modulus, piezoelectric and piezomagnetic coefficient of the smart layer, are introduced using a symmetric Gaussian fuzzy number. The governing equations for the uncertain system are obtained by combining Hamilton's principle and the dual parametric form of fuzzy numbers; Then the natural frequencies of the uncertain model are calculated using Navier's approach. Free vibration is also investigated by obtaining the natural frequency borders with respect to the various uncertain parameters. The results have shown that the porosity increased the frequencies. In the case of uncertain properties, with increasing of the electric potential, the frequency bounds decreased slightly, but they increased intensely with increasing of the magnetic potential.


Main Subjects

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