Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering is an open access double-blind peer-reviewed monthly journal, owned, managed, and published by Amirkabir University of Technology since 2009. The journal publishes original full-length articles, reviews, and letters relevant to all fields of Mechanical Engineering.
The Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering is one of the publishing journals at Amirkabir University of Technology. The journal has been running for more than 50 years, publishing numerous Persian original articles. From 2017, an English journal, named as AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering has being published alongside the Persian journal, with two issues per year.
The reviewers of the journal compose of university academics around the world. The review strategy of AJME is single-blind peer review. The editorial board members meet regularly to decide about the articles. The editorial board members are all senior researchers from different universities all over the world. All mechanical engineering fields are of interest to this Journal. The journal scope includes: Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Energy and Environment, Solid Mechanics, Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Production, Biomechanics, Micro and Nanomechanics, Automotive and Transportation, Design and Reliability of Mechanical Systems.
Therefore, all researchers and university lecturers are requested to send their original scientific manuscripts to this journal.
Authors who wish to submit their articles in English are invited to visit the journal’s English website (AJME.AUT.AC.IR) to receive writing principles for submission of English articles.
Dear researchers, to view the records of the Amirkabir Scientific Research Journal you can use this URL AJSR.AUT.AC.IR and to submit your research papers in English, you can use this URL AJME.AUT.AC.IR address
Pages 1-1
Ali Kamali; Laleh Fatahi; Ali Reza Naeimifard
Pages 2-2
Mojtaba Ramezani voloojerdi; Hamzeh Eshraghi; Mahmoud Mani
Pages 3-3
samira payan
Pages 5-5
Iman Rashidi; Hadi Parvaz; Mehdi Bahrami; Sattar Hazrati