Main Subjects = Advanced and Intelligent Control Methods and Soft Computing
Application of Gain and Phase Margins for Designing Robust Controllers within Quantitative Feedback Theory

Volume 56, Issue 7, October 2024, Pages 931-954


Mohammadreza Hadipour; Ali Jamali; Nader Nariman-zadeh; Behnam Miripour Fard

Reinforcement learning-based controller design for a ‎proposed octorotor with tilt-arm angles ‎

Volume 55, Issue 10, January 2024, Pages 1175-1194


Davoud Sharifi Dolatabadi; Mohsen Irani Rahghi; Keivan Torabi; Hamed Shahbazi

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Alstom Locomotive Blowers using Vibration Analysis and Support Vector Machine

Volume 54, Issue 8, November 2022, Pages 1833-1850


Mahdi Zakizadeh; Ali Jamali; Mansoor Rafeeyan; Hamid Saeedi; Ali Chaibakhsh

A comparison study of deep neural controllers and classic controllers in self-driving car application

Volume 53, Issue 4 (Special Issue), July 2021, Pages 2439-2458


Abbas Mohammadi; Kamal Jamshidi; Hamed Shahbazi; Mehran Rezaie